Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis for G/G/1 systems
An interactive app illustrating Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis (IPA) for M/G/1 systems (developed by Shirantha Welikala)
Optimal Control of Hybrid Systems
An interactive app illustrating optimal control techniques applied to a class of hybrid systems (e.g., manufacturing systems)
NOTE: Java applets require Java and proper security settings. We are in the process of migrating to Javascript which will allow a seamless access to all applets with all their interavtive features
Information about our “smart parking” project: drivers request parking for a given destination and are allocated an optimal space which is also reserved for them. Optimality is determined based on a combination of cost and of proximity to the desired destination.
The site includes a movie demonstrating “smart parking” in action at a Boston University garage (go there directly) and another showing the “smart parking” approach in a laboratory urban setting with wireless robots, roadways, parking spots, and traffic lights (go there directly).
Including activities and advances in distributed control and optimization, movies of laboratory experiments and simulations and activities in cooperative control of wireless robots and sensor networks
Some introductory presentations on material that forms the basis of much of our current research in the CODES Laboratory:
- Discrete Event Systems: Modeling and Performance Analysis
An introductory overview of Discrete Event Systems (DES) explaining important differences between event-driven and time-driven dynamic systems. Examples of DES are provided and an overview of resource contention problems that are often encountered in DES (such as admission control, routing, and scheduling) is also included.
- From Discrete Event to Hybrid Systems
An introduction to Hybrid Systems from a Discrete Event Systems (DES) perspective, including examples of Hybrid Systems and how they can often be used as abstractions of complex systems.
- Event-Driven Control, Communication and Optimization
The time-driven paradigm for modeling, sampling, estimation, control, and optimization is based on centuries of theoretical underpinnings and was further promoted by the digital technological advances of the 1970s. The event-driven paradigm offers an alternative complementary look at control and optimization. The key idea is that a “clock” should not be dictating actions simply because a time step is taken; rather, an action should be triggered by an “event” which may be a well-defined condition on the system state or a random state transition.
- Smart Cities as Cyber Social Physical Systems
An introduction to Smart Cities as an example of Cyber-Physical Systems whose goals include improvements in transportation, energy distribution, emergency response, and infrastructure maintenance, to name a few. One of the key elements of a Smart City is the ability to monitor and dynamically allocate its resources. The availability of large amounts of data, ubiquitous wireless connectivity, and the critical need for scalability open the door for new control and optimization methods which are both data-driven and event-driven. This presentation describes such an optimization framework and its properties.