[M1]Cassandras, C.G.,
Uncertainty Propagation in Discrete Linear Systems
Technical Report, Dept. of Engineering and Applied Science Yale University, 1977.
[M2]Cassandras, C.G.,
A Model of a TCI Production Line
Technical Report TCI-12 , C.S. Draper Laboratory, January 1981.
[M3]Ho, Y.C., and Cassandras, C.G.,
A Concise Explanation of Sensitivity in General Terms
Technical Report FM92200-53 , C.S. Draper Laboratory, July 1981.
[M4]Ho, Y.C. (Ed.)
SPEEDS: A New Technique for the Analysis of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
Division of Applied Sciences Technical Report , Harvard University, February 1983.
[M5]Cassandras, C.G.,
Perturbation Analysis of Discrete Event Systems in the Event Domain
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, August 1984.
[M6]Burstein, M., Ort, D., and Cassandras, C.G.,
The Interaction of Rivalry and Experience Curve in the Optimal Planning of New Manufacturing Technology when Further Technical Advance is Anticipated
ORSA/TIMS Conf. , April 1985.
[M7]Cassandras, C.G.,
Dynamic Routing in Networks: the Perturbation Analytic Approach
IEEE Intl. Symp. Information Theory , June 1985.
[M8]Cassandras, C.G., and Strickland, S.G.,
Applications of Perturbation Analysis to Communication Networks
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, August 1985.
[M9]Cassandras, C.G.,
Autonomous Resource Allocation in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
ORSA/TIMS Conf. , November 1985.
[M10]Cassandras, C.G., and Strickland, S.G.,
Performance Sensitivity Information from a Single Sample Realization
1st IEEE WorkshopComputer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks , May 1986.
[M11]Cassandras, C.G., and Hruby, M.,
Modeling and Analysis of a High Performance Distributed Processing System
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, September 1986.
[M12]Cassandras, C.G.,
Sample Path Analysis and Optimization of a State Dependent Routing Strategy
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, September 1986.
[M13]Cassandras, C.G.,
Error Correction in Perturbation Algorithms for Queueing Systems
ORSA/TIMS Conf. , October 1986.
[M14]Cassandras, C.G., Lee, J.I., and Hruby, M.,
Performance Evaluation of a Computer-Controlled Tracking System
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, February 1987.
[M15]Ho, Y.C., Suri, R., Cao, X., Cassandras, C.G., and Zazanis, M.A.,
Perturbation Analysis (PA) of Discrete Event Systems – Limited or Unlimited?
ORSA/TIMS Conf. , May 1987.
[M16]Cassandras, C.G., and Strickland, S.G.,
Sensitivity Analysis of Markov Processes with Discrete Parameters
9th Symp. on Math. Prog. with Data Perturbations, May 1987.
[M17]Lee, J.I., and Cassandras, C.G.,
A Simple Adaptive Load-Balancing Scheme for a Computer-Controlled Tracking System
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, July 1987.
[M18]Lee, J.I., and Cassandras, C.G.,
A Procedure for Generating Real-Time Sensitivity Estimates of Queueing Systems through Augmented Markov Chains
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, July 1987.
[M19]Cassandras, C.G.,
Adaptive Control in Queueing Systems
11th Triennial Conf. on Operations Research", August 1987.
[M20]Strickland, S.G., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Efficient Sensitivity Estimation Using Augmented Systems
2ndIEEE Workshop Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks , October 1988.
[M21]Mohanty, B., Cassandras, C.G., Towsley, D., and Kurose, J.F.,
A Comparative Performance Study for Virtual Circuit and Datagram Based Routing Algorithms
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, October 1988.
[M22]Cassandras, C.G., Djaferis, T.E., Han, Y.N., Lewis, J., and Looze, D.P.,
Dynamic Dispatching Control Algorithms Based on Load Balancing
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, April 1989.
[M23]Cassandras, C.G., and Strickland, S.G.,
On the Constructability of Parameterized Sample Path Families of Discrete Event Systems
SIAM Conf. on Control in the 90's , May.
[M24]Cassandras, C.G., and Han, Y.N.,
Optimal Quality Control for a Manufacturing Cell
TIMS XXIX Conf. , August 1989.
[M25]Cassandras, C.G., Gong, W-B., and Pan, J.,
Perturbation Analysis with Rescheduling
1st Perturbation Analysis Workshop. , August 1989.
[M26]Cassandras, C.G.,
Sensitivity Analysis in Networks with Real-Time Traffic
28th ORSA/TIMS Conference, October 1989.
[M27]Cassandras, C.G., Djaferis, T.E., Lewis, J., and Looze, D.P.,
Dispatching through Dynamic Load Balancing (DLB): The "Noontime" Scenario
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, January 1990.
[M28]Cassandras, C.G.,
Dynamic Network Management in the Presence of Real-Time and Non-Real-Time Traffic
RADC Workshop on Network Management, March 1990.
[M29]Cassandras, C.G., Lee, J.I., and Ho, Y.C.,
`Parallel’ On-Line Simulation Analysis of Transient Performance Measures in Networks
3rdIEEE Workshop Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks , September 1990.
[M30]Cassandras, C.G.,
Timed Models and Sensitivity Analysis for Discrete Event Systems
1991 Intern. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems , June 1991.
[M31]Cassandras, C.G., and Pan, J.,
Flow Control of Bursty Traffic Using Perturbation Analysis
1992 ORSA Telecommunications Conference, March 1992.
[M32]Sparaggis, P., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Weak Forms of Majorization with Applications to Finite-Capacity Queueing Systems
1992 ORSA/TIMS Conference , April 1992.
[M33]Cassandras, C.G.,
Perturbation Analysis and "Rapid Learning" for Discrete Event Systems: An Overview and a Case Study
Intern. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems , August 1992.
[M34]Cassandras, C.G.,
‘Sample Path Constructability for Discrete Event Systems
ORSA/TIMS/INRIA/SMAI Conf. on Applied Probability , June 1993.
[M35]Cassandras, C.G.,
‘Rapid Learning’ Techniques for Discrete Event Systems
IEE Colloquium on Discrete Event Systems , June 1993.
[M36]Cassandras, C.G.,
Control, Scheduling, and Performance Analysis of Queueing Systems
Discrete Event Systems Summer School , June 1993.
[M37]Bao, G., Cassandras, C.G., Djaferis, T.E., Gandhi, A., and Looze, D.P.,
Elevator Dispatchers for Downpeak Traffic
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, January 1994.
[M38]Cassandras, C.G.,
Perturbation Analysis and Beyond
Symposium on Decision and Control , April 1994.
[M39]Gandhi, A., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Optimal Control of Transportation Polling Models with Applications to the Control of Elevator Systems
ORSA/TIMS/ Conf. , April 1994.
[M40]Gandhi, A., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Scheduling Elevators with Multiple Performance Criteria
ORSA/TIMS/ Conf. , October 1994.
[M41]Julka, V., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Marking/Phantomizing Perturbation Analysis Techniques for Discrete Stochastic Optimization Problems
ORSA/TIMS/ Conf. , October 1994.
[M42]Cassandras, C.G.,
On-Line Determination of Policy Parameters for Some Markov Decision Problems in Telecommunication Applications
3rdORSA Telecommunications Conf. , March 1995.
[M43]Cassandras, C.G.,
‘Rapid Learning’ Techniques for Complex Design and Optimization Problems
1995 UTECA Conf. , April 1995.
[M44]Cassandras, C.G., and Julka, V.,
On-Line Optimization Algorithms for Stochastic Discrete Resource Allocation Problems
8th Applied Probability Conf. , June 1995.
[M45]Cassandras, C.G.,
Optimal Call Admission in Circuit-Switched Networks
TIMS XXXIIIConf. , July 1995.
[M46]Bergendahl, J., Cassandras, C.G., Esterman, D. and Sullivan, M.,
Computer-Controlled LEGO Factory
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, June 1995.
[M47]Bao, G., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Stochastic Comparison Algorithm: Theory and Applications
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Report , University of Massachusetts/Amherst, November 1995.
[M48]Cassandras, C.G., and Bao, G.,
Concurrent Simulation and Response Surface Estimation for Metamodeling
AIS'96 Conf. , April 1996.
[M49]Cassandras, C.G., and Vazquez-Abad, F.,
Weak Convergence of Decentralized Asynchronous Stochastic Approximation Algorithms
INFORMS Conf. , May 1996.
[M50]Cassandras, C.G.,
On-Line Control and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems Using Concurrent Estimation Techniques
AMS-SIAM 1996 Workshop , June 1996.
[M51]Cassandras, C.G., and Gong, W-B.,
A New Paradigm for Fast Intercative Simulation
Technical Report RL-TR-96-259 , March 1997.
[M52]Cassandras, C.G.,
Concurrent Simulation: A Tutorial
SPIE 11th Annual Intl. Symposium , April 1997.
[M53]Cassandras, C.G., Dai, L., and Panayiotou, C.G.,
Dynamic Control in Stochastic Resource Allocation Problems
9th Applied Probability Conf. , June 1997.
[M54]Cassandras, C.G.,
Concurrent Simulation for Hard Stochastic Optimization Problems
6th Intl Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science with Applications , August 1997.
[M55]Cassandras, C.G., and Gokbayrak, K.,
Adaptive Admission Control in Wireless Networks
INFORMS Conf. , May 1999.
[M56]Panayiotou, C., and Cassandras, C.G.,
A Perturbation Analysis-Based Solution to the Ground-Holding Problem in Air Traffic Control
INFORMS Conf., November 1999.
[M57]Cassandras, C.G., and Yu, R.,
On-Line Lot Size Optimization in Manufacturing Systems
INFORMS Conf., November 1999.
[M58]Cassandras, C.G.,
From Programmable Logic Control to Discrete Event Systems
NSF Workshop on Logic Control for Manufacturing Systems, June 2000.
[M59]Cassandras, C.G.,
Joys and Perils of Automation
NSF Workshop for High School Teachers of Math. and Science ,June 2000.
[M60]Cassandras, C.G.,
Discrete Event Simulation
Intl. Workshop on Formal Methods for Performance Analysis, July 2000.
[M61]Gokbayrak, K., and Cassandras, C.G.,
The ‘Surrogate Problem’ Methodology for Discrete Stochastic Optimization Problems
Dept. of Manufacturing Engineering Technical Report , Boston University, July 2000.
[M62]Panayiotou, C., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Enabling Modeling and Simulation Technologies for Real-Time Course of Action Analysis
Information Superiority Conference , June 2001.
[M63]Panayiotou, C., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Performance Optimization of Complex Systems
Electronic Prototyping Review , July 2001.
[M64]Panayiotou, C., Cassandras, C.G., Sun, G., Wardi, Y., and Melamed, B.,
Stochastic Fluid Models for Control and Optimization of Communication Networks with QoS Requirements
Intl. Workshop on Applied Probability , January 2002.
[M65]Cassandras, C.G., J. Baillieul, D. Castanon, I. Paschalidis, R. Gao, A. Deshmukh, and W. Gong
A Control and Optimization Science Base for Sensor Networks in Adverse and Stochastic Environments
Proceedings of 2005 Design, Service, and Manufacturing Research and Grantees Conf. , January 2005.
[M66]Cassandras, C.G., and Zhuang, S.,
Dynamic Voltage Scaling for Power-Limited Systems with Hard and Soft Real-Time Tasks
2006 INFORMS Annual Meeting , Nov. 2006.
[M67]Baillieul, J., Cassandras, C.G., Castanon, D., Paschalidis, I., Gao, R., Deshmukh, A., and Gong, W.,
A Control and Optimization Science Base for Sensor Networks in Adverse and Stochastic Environments: Selected Advances of 2007
Proceedings of2008 Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation Grantees Conf. , June 2008.
[M68]Cassandras, C.G., and Ning, X.,
Dynamic Sleep Time Control in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Traffic Statistics
2008 INFORMS Annual Meeting , Oct. 2008.
[M69]Cassandras, C.G., Bestavros, A., Paschalidis, I.C., Gao, R., and Gong, W.,
Event-driven Sensing for Enterprise Reconfigurability and Optimization
2008 INFORMS Annual Meeting , Oct. 2008.
[M70]Paschalidis, I.C., and Cassandras, C.G.,
New Results on Distributed wireless sensor networks for long-term deployments
DOE NNSA University and Industry Technical Interchange Review Meeting (UITI 2008) , Dec. 2008.
[M71]Gao, R., Deshmukh, A., Gong, W., Baillieul, J., Cassandras, C.G., Castanon, D., and Paschalidis, I., ,
A Control and Optimization Science Base for Sensor Networks in Adverse and Stochastic Environments: Selected Advances of 2008
Proceedings of 2009 Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation Grantees Conf. , June 2009.
[M72]Paschalidis, I.C., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Wireless Sensor Networks for Localization and Coverage Control
DOE NNSA University and Industry Technical Interchange Review Meeting , Dec. 2009.
[M73]Cassandras, C.G.,
Cooperative Control and Optimization in an Uncertain Asynchronous Wireless Networked World
18th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation , June 2010.
[M74]Cassandras, C.G., and Paschalidis, I.C.,
Optimizing the Transportation System’s Response Capabilities
DHS 2011 Science Conference - Fifth Annual University Network Summit , March 2011.
[M75]Geng, Y., and Cassandras, C.G.,
A "Smart Parking" Approach for Urban Settings
INFORMS 2011 Northeastern Conference , May 2011.
[M76]Rossell, D., Cassandras, C.G., Wang, J., and Paschalidis, I.C.,
Network Anomaly Detection using Adaptive Resonance Theory
Advanced Cyber Security Center Second Annual Working Conf. , Boston, MA, Nov. 2012.
[M77]Wang, J., Paschalidis, I.C., Rossell, D., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Anomaly Detection Techniques for Data Exfiltration Attempts
Advanced Cyber Security CenterSecond Annual Working Conf. , Boston, MA, Nov. 2012.
[M78]Geng, Y., and Cassandras, C.G.,
A New "Smart Parking" System Based on Optimal Resource Allocation and Reservations
Johns Hopkins Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems , Baltimore, MD, March 2013.
[M79]Fleck, J.L., Pavel, A.B., and Cassandras, C.G.,
Integrating mutation and gene expression cross-sectional data to infer cancer progression
Systems Approaches to Cancer Biology Conference , Woods Hole, MA, April 2016.
[M80]Swaszek, R. and Cassandras, C.G.,
Bike Sharing System Inventory Management: Somerville Case Study,
Boston Area Research Initiative Spring Conference 2019, Boston, MA, April 2019.
[M81]Wollenstein, S., Cassandras, C.G., and Paschalidis, I.,
Congestion Maps: A visual interactive data-driven platform tracking annual traffic conditions in the Eastern Massachusetts area,
Boston Area Research Initiative Spring Conference 2019, Boston, MA, April 2019.